Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Ref. No. AICESTMOABJ/2018/27 dated 20.07.18 Notice 18.07.18 regarding Treasurer

Ref. No. AICESTMOABJ/2018/26 dated 20.07.18 AGT-2018 Transfer and Posting- reg

Ref. No. AICESTMOABJ/2018/25 dated 15.07.2018

The Principal Chief Commissioner,
CGST & CX, Ranchi Zone, Patna

Subject: Forwarding of Representations received from the members for the transfer/ stayal under AGT-2018

........................................ Letters contains personal information so not published .................................

Yours faithfully,

Kumar Gaurav Kishore,
General Secretary,
Bihar & Jharkhand Unit